Earlier versions based on the Simple HTML Editor by Eric Lease Morgan, NCSU Libraries. With version 1.0, HTML.edit contained no code from Eric's editor. This product contains numerous enhancements for which I'd like to thank all the shareware XCMD and XFCN authors below. HTML.edit would be a much lesser product were it not for their labors. It also contains a copy of the HTML Primer; thanks to NCSA.
ΓÇó Jon Pugh for use of his HPopUpMenu XFCN.
HPopUpMenu XFCN v3.2.2 ©1989-1993 by Jon Pugh.
ΓÇó Jay Hodgdon for use of his ShowDialog XCMD.
ShowDialog XCMD v1.6 ©1988, 1989 by Jay Hodgdon.
ΓÇó Jim Parshall for use of his Progress XCMD.
Progress XCMD ©1988, 1989 by James H. Parshall and
Dome Software Corporation.
ΓÇó Larry Wolfarth for his ChangeFileType XFCN.
• Frédéric Rinaldi for use of his XCMDs:
FullReplace XFCN v1.1 ©1991, 1992 by Frédéric Rinaldi.
GetMode XFCN v1.3 ©1990 by Frédéric Rinaldi.
ListSelect XFCN v4.8 ©1989-93 by Frédéric Rinaldi.
Listoid XCMD v3.9 ©1990-92 by Frédéric Rinaldi.
ΓÇó Len Saaf for use of his HCBalloon XCMD.
HCBalloon XCMD ©1991 by Len Saaf, Raleigh Associates.
My thanks to those who provided constructive comments, especially James Chi of the Office of Advanced Concepts & Technology's Graphics Support Group at NASA Headquarters.
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